How to Move and Store Taxidermied Animals

If you’re like most taxidermy owners, you display your trophy collection proudly in your home and treat it with care and respect. So what should you do if you need to relocate or store your taxidermy? There are many factors to take into consideration if you want to preserve your collection and keep your pieces safe from environmental and security threats.

Ideal Temperature and Humidity

Avoid storing your taxidermy outdoors, where the sunlight can fade the object and moisture can degrade the quality of your piece. Indoor storage is ideal at a temperature between 60 and 80 degrees, and under 60% humidity. High and low temperatures are both damaging to the taxidermy, as well as the moisture from high humidity. It is important to store your piece away from windows because as mentioned above, even filtered sunlight can cause damage. Use blackout curtains if you absolutely must.

Safety First: Use Sealed Crates

Mice and insects present the biggest danger to your taxidermy. Some bugs will quickly eat through the fur and skin of the animals, leaving your prize mutilated and damaged. A simple wood crate is perfect for storing and protecting your taxidermy. This container will barricade your animal from pests and other threats. Use a silicone sealant on the edges of the crate to close any cracks that might allow bugs and mice to crawl inside. You will need to coat both the inside and outside edges for maximum protection. Poison pellets in the crate are also recommended in case your sealant cracks. Silicon gel packs will help keep away moisture inside the sealed box. Use periodic bug bombs if you encounter an infestation.

Traveling Taxidermy

If you need to relocate, moving your animal in a crate is going to be the safest and most secure option. You can bolt the feet or bottom of the piece onto the box floor for safety. This way, even if the crate gets knocked around, your animal will stay in place. Work with a moving company that is familiar or experienced with taxidermy. It’s important to keep the crates holding your collection inside the vehicle at a regulated temperature. Also, if it’s a rainy moving day, be sure to take extra precautions to protect your taxidermy from the conditions.

Best Storage Location

It’s best to spend the extra money on a storage facility, as opposed to attempting to keep your taxidermy in your attic, barn, or basement. Given the amount of work and time it took to receive your taxidermy pieces, you won’t want to risk storing your prizes in an unsafe environment. If you’re storing your taxidermy at a storage facility, make sure it’s in a location that can be locked. It’s also a good idea to speak to the facility about their security levels, so you know what kind of protection your valuables will be receiving. Look for a facility with video cameras, locked fences, and onsite staff. If you can find it, vaulted storage is the safest place to keep your taxidermy.